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Celebrating Our Graduates Success Story: Daniel Wilson

By 19 July 2021October 15th, 2021No Comments

Supply Chain (Warehousing/Logistics) – 2021

Before attending training with Rexcel I found that I had several barriers and lacked the skills to help me gain employment. I was referred to Rexcel by my JA provider, as I had been out of the workforce for a long period of time. I was lucky that I chose study, over different activities.

I didn’t have many expectations of Rexcel, just to finish the course and obtain my certificates which I hoped would help me to gain employment. Rexcel helped me to learn and gain new skills and helped get me to a point where I was work-ready and confident.

Rexcel assisted me in developing my career goals as they were able to really drive me to where I needed to be. to get into employment and always had faith in me, telling me I could do it when I didn’t think I could

Since finishing my course I have been able to gain casual employment which is leading into fulltime work at a fruit and veg store where I’m loading unloading, customer service cutting vegetables.

The biggest highlight of my time time with Rexcel was getting to know the team and how they can help me get into employment through the course that I have done

I would really like to thank Rexcel for helping me get employment and coaching me to succeed and having faith that I could do it, no matter what.

Daniel Wilson
Rexcel Training Graduate, 2020